About us

Realia is an italian company in which the main objectives are the promotion and the protection of the “Made in Italy” products. We operate globally without making any distinctions between the various categories of products.

Our Vision

The Italian production has always been known for the quality of its products and its services, focusing more on its excellence rather than its production volume.
The skills and dedication of our producers, and therefore their excellent results in terms of quality, accuracy, design and attention to details, have made Italian products gain considerable fame and prestige in the eyes of the consumers. This creates a consequent global demand increase for the Made in Italy products, which has quickly well exceeded the production beyond the capacity of our country.

Inevitably, the entrepreneurial spirit and the awareness of high demand for Italian products abroad, has led some entrepreneurs to invest in the production of Italian Sounding products.

To quickly and easily help consumers distinguish a Made in Italy product from an Italian Sounding product, it is necessary to create a protective tool, or rather a protective marking system, which is:

  • Interactive, and able to provide feedback to the users and also able to verify the product’s authenticity.
  • Not able to be counterfeit, or rather that all its illegal copying attempts should be ineffective.
  • Unique, and able to protect the entire range of the Made in Italy products, regardless of its industry sector
  • Clear and immediate. Its feedback must be accurate and obtained quickly.

Our Mission

Realia promotes the awareness of the Made in Italy products in all its different sectors throughout the world, wherever Italian products are present. Reliabitaly enables the consumers to understand the principles and the values that have made the “Made in Italy” a great branding in the world.

  • Helping the consumers make well informed choices
  • Allowing the Italian producers to protect their products and to have them  recognized once they arrive to the national and international market
  • Preserving the reputation and the prestige of the Made in Italy marking within Italy and abroad
  • Increase the success of our members